Installation Tips - Atlas Type 20 Tank Car

This is a very nice car. It's really too bad Atlas didn't design the build the car to accept our narrow shank coupler. It really would have looked great with those. It still looks pretty good though. I think you'll agree.

Here's the starting point - nothing surprising. Factory coupler
Here's what we see with the old coupler removed. Notice how the scale width center sill abruptly expands when it reaches the coupler box. The prototype doesn't do that. Too bad, really. Truck and old coupler removed
The lettering on the side of the car indicates it was built in 1967. That would be too early for a double shelf coupler. A little prototype information and perhaps a picture of the car in service would have been nice in determining the correct coupler. Too bad none was included with car. The prototype car probably carried an F style coupler for most of it's life, so that's what I've installed here. Installation requires no special techniques. New coupler in place
The finished product looks good. Completed